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    December Vegetable Garden Zone-by-Zone

    Cabbage Snow Cover

    Winter arrives on December 21. The shortest day of the year. There is never a shortage of things to do in the garden, even in winter. Update your garden records from last season and review your garden design. What worked and what can be improved this coming growing season? Now is the time to plan […] More

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    Seed Sprouts for Eating

    Sprouts alfalfa1

    Sprouts are the young shoots from the germinated seeds of vegetables, beans, and grains. Many seeds can be sprouted for eating. Mung beans and alfalfa are the most common seeds for sprouts. Other common seeds for sprouts include adzuki, cabbage, chives, red clover, fenugreek, garbanzo, lentil, mustard, peas, radish, and black sunflower. See the list […] More

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    Growing Baby Vegetables

    Carrots Nantes

    Baby vegetables are commonly vegetables harvested before they reach full size and served whole while they are small, delicate, succulent, and tasty. Other baby vegetables have been especially bred to be flavorful while still small. Because baby vegetables are harvested small they can be planted very close together. This makes baby vegetables well suited for […] More

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    Cloche to Protect Plants


    A cloche is a small, portable plant covering designed to be easily moved around the garden. A cloche traps the sun’s warmth raising the temperature of both the air and soil inside. A cloche can cover a single plant or a small group of plants. You can use a cloche to protect a plant from […] More

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    Windowsill Gardening

    Peppers growing on a windowsill

    Small vegetables–many leaf crops and even compact and miniature varieties of fruiting crops such as tomatoes and peppers–can be grown indoors on a sunny, bright windowsill year-round. Vegetable gardening indoors has most of the same requirements as an outdoor garden: bright light, water, nutrients, and protection from pests and diseases. Since space is likely to […] More