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    How to Grow Mint — Mentha

    Mentha–commonly called mint–is a group of herbs grown for their decorative aromatic foliage. Mentha is a genus of 25 perennials that bear tubular to bell-shaped flowers usually borne on spikes of whorled clusters. Mentha has lance-shaped to round, light to dark green or gray leaves, often highly aromatic. Mints are widely used as culinary, fragrant, […] More

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    How to Grow Herbs

    Herbs are not difficult to grow. Most herbs belong to the parsley, the mint, or the daisy families. Most plants in these families germinate readily and can be raised without any special horticultural skill. Most herbs thrive in well-drained, sunny, loose soil that is not too rich. The planting bed for herbs should be prepared […] More

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    Ways to Serve Parsley


    Parsley has a clean, fresh, peppery flavor that makes it a good match for all savory dishes. Parsley is an aromatic herb whose leaves and stems are edible. Parsley can usually be found year-round but is the youngest and most tender in spring. Types of parsley There are more than 30 varieties of parsley but […] More

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    Ways to Use Marjoram and Oregano

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    Marjoram and oregano and oregano and marjoram. Have you noticed that these two spicy herbs are inseparable when you go to cooks’ reference books? The reason is that marjoram and oregano are generic names for two frequently interchanged (but different) herbs. Both are small aromatic shrubs that grow to approximately 2 feet (.6 m). Both […] More

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    Ways to Use Thyme

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    Thyme adds a spicy note to soups, stews, tomato and wine-based sauces, dried bean dishes, stuffings, and stocks. It can be used in marinades for pork and game and also in chowders, gumbos, and jambalayas. What this says is that thyme can take a long, slow cooking and—unlike other herbs—still bring something special to the […] More

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    Ways to Use Rosemary

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    Viewed from a distance while in bloom, it’s easy to understand how the herb rosemary got its name. The Latin name for rosemary is ros marinus which means “sea dew” or “sea spray. Rosemary in bloom is covered with small clusters of shimmering blossoms of both light and deep blue. This tough but marvelously fragrant […] More

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    Ways to Use Mint

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    Mint can be used both in sweet and savory dishes. Add mint to new potatoes or to a garlic and cream cheese dip. Mix mint with chocolate cakes or bake with raisins and currants in pastry. Mints are an excellent addition to sauces, syrups, vinegar, and teas. There are more than 2,000 varieties of mint—about […] More

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    Ways to Use Dill

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    Partnering dill with fish and seafood got its start a few thousand years ago in the Nordic countries of northern Europe. Dill—which has a flavor somewhere between celery and parsley with the peppery undertones of anise and the feint aroma of lemon—brings lingering warmth to cured and marinated salmon and herring as well as fried […] More

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    Ways to Use Cilantro and Coriander

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    The cilantro plant and the coriander plant are the same plant. In most parts of the world, coriander is simply known as coriander. However, in the United States coriander refers to the seeds of the coriander plant, and cilantro refers to the herb leaves of the coriander plant. Why the difference? Well, it basically comes […] More

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    Ways to Use Tarragon

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    Use French tarragon fresh whole or ground with fish and shellfish, chicken, eggs, salad greens, or tomatoes. French tarragon has a spicy anise flavor with a basil note and a sweet aftertaste. Its leaves hint of pine and licorice. The flavor of French tarragon diffuses quickly in dishes so it is best used sparingly. Add […] More

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    Ways to Use Sage


    Add a sprig of fresh sage to roast beef or vegetables to add a lemony, camphor-like flavor. Sage can come on strong and even sharp but you will still find it pleasant. Heated sage becomes more assertive. It is a good match for rich and fatty meats such as goose and pork and sausages. Ways […] More

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    Ways to Serve Savory

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    Trying to cut back on salt and pepper? Try savory. There are two varieties of the herb called savory to choose from: summer savory—a fast-growing annual plant, and winter savory—a shrubby perennial. Both savories have a bit of a peppery bite. Summer savory has a flavor reminiscent of thyme, mint, and marjoram. It is more […] More