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    Dragonfly and Damselfly Beneficial Insects


    The dragonfly and the damselfly are beneficial insects. Both dragonflies and damselflies are insect predators. Dragonflies feed on mosquitoes, gnats, flies, swarming ants, swarming termites, moths, and butterflies. Damselflies feed on mosquito larvae, aquatic insects, flies, mosquitoes, moths and some species also feed on beetles and caterpillars. Both dragonflies and damselflies can catch their prey […] More

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    Tachinid Fly Beneficial Insect

    Tachnid fly

    The tachinid fly is a beneficial insect. Tachnid fly larvae are parasitic; they feed on the living tissue and vital organs of many caterpillars including cabbage worms, cutworms, corn earworms, sawfly larvae, and tobacco budworms. They also feed on Colorado potato beetles, cucumber beetles, Japanese beetles, and Mexican bean beetles. Adult tachinid flies are pollinators. […] More

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    Hover Fly Beneficial Insect

    Hover fly

    The hover fly is a beneficial insect. It is also called the syrphid fly and sometimes the flower fly. Adult hoverflies are pollinators. They are often seen hovering like hummingbirds over flowers as they drink nectar. Adult hover flies do not feed on pest insects. Hover fly larvae do feed on pest insects. They eat […] More