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    Ways to Cook and Serve Quince


    Cooked quince has a sweet, delicate musky aroma with a flavor somewhere between an apple and a pear. Quince is often used in jams, jellies, and preserves. You can also use quince in cobblers or tarts or add it cubed to beef stew or roast poultry. The quince is not good to eat raw. Give […] More

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    Ways to Cook and Serve Apples

    Apple slices2

     Apples for eating out of hand, apples for baking and cooking, apples for sauce and juice, apples to serve with savory dishes, and apples for dessert: there is an apple for every use. Apples that ripen early, apples that ripen mid-season, and apples that ripen late for eating right into winter: there is an apple […] More

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    Gravenstein Apple

    Apple Gravenstein1

    The Gravenstein apple is one of the earliest—if not the first—apple to ripen in the Northern Hemisphere each year. It comes to harvest as early as late July and early August, a good month or two ahead of most fall-harvest apples. Considered one of the best all-around apples, the Gravenstein has a crisp, slightly acidy, […] More